Sunday, January 11, 2009

Greatest passive resister

Stanly Jones, an American missionary wrote:“Never in human history has so much light been shed on the cross as has been shed through this one mans and that men not even a Christian.”

Gandhi treasured the life and death and teaching of Jesus. What I hope is even more clear is just how Christians, owe to Gandhi.When Mohandas K. Gandhi was killed in 1948, among his spare worldly possessions carried a dozen books, including the "Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ", gospel of St. John. On the wall by his side was a picture of Jesus with the words, "He is our peace."

Gandhi's interest in Jesus began early in his life. In England, sent to learn law in l888, the young Hindu was persuaded to read the Bible even before he had studied the Bhagavad-Gita and other Indian classics. The Sermon on the Mount, he said, "Went straight to my heart": "When I read in the Sermon on the Mount such passages as...'whoever smitten thee on thy cheek turn to him the other also' I was simply overjoyed."

Later, during his struggles in South Africa, Gandhi called on the Indians of the Transvaal to "stagger humanity without shedding a drop of blood," by following the example of "Gentle Jesus, the greatest passive resister the world has seen."

Though Jesus died, Gandhi said, "He lives in the memory of all true sons of God."

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